Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well ,the first week of January 2011 was rather surreal.

We had the stomach flu that we caught from Dave and Corrie and the girls when we had a late Christmas celebration on Jan 1st.

 We had a final acceptance on the sale of my Dad's house in Penticton, after dealing with some home inspection issues and a late deposit cheque. I'm the Power of Attorney who was making the sale happen, so having it finalized is wonderful! the closing date is Feb 28th. 

 On Thursday, my Dad had the fourth fall in two weeks , two of which involved paramedics. A spot became vacant in Complex Care at the Hamlets in Penticton and Rick and I dropped everything and went to Penticton and got him moved on Friday and Saturday. It was tremendously emotional, because my Dad knew enough to know he didn't want to move, but his dementia had gotten sooo bad that he didn't even remember the last fall a day later. The staff at the Hamlets were glad that he could move back on the same floor he was on this summer, but Dad does not remember any of the care-aids or the friend that he made from before. He has 3 ladies in the same little group with him and he did seem to be enjoying their company.  Even if he starts to complain now, we all know that this is the right place for him and he will have to stay.

We came home on Sunday to collapse and hope everything is smooth sailing for the rest of 2011!

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