Saturday, March 27, 2010

More March geocaching pictures

Papa taught Mia how to "sniff a tree".

Dave and Corrie came over one Sunday to celebrate Dave and Rick's birthdays. We went for a walk over by the Barnhartvale nature park so Katie and Taylor could find some geo- caches.

March work

WIP landscape quilts. The long one is from a picture I took from the Tranquille area looking back towards town.
The other one is from a picture I took at the Dallas- Barnhartvale nature park near the dump looking towards town. I enhanced and altered the colours of the picture in photshop elements. Both landscapes are fused and basted. They will both have more stitching and embellishing done and each will have a tree placed later.

I finished 12 placemats in my Tuscan gold colourway to finish off the warp I put on for a long table runner order.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Geocaching in March

These pictures are from geocaches in the Rosehill, Knutsford, Valleyview areas of Kamloops. The weather has been nice and warm but the hills are still brown.
It has been nice to get out so much with the mild winter.

Missy and Muffy are guarding the log book!

These are two strange carvings in the trees at the disc golf course in Rosehill.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Weaving pictures

I had to take some pictures of my weaving for an advertising flyer for a sale I do in the fall. I decided to post them here as well. They are of scarves I made last year.

These are 8 harness , 2 block twill painted warp silk scarves.

This one is a ruffled scarf made from merino wool and tencel. The ruffling happens in the finishing process.

March Colour in the Thompson Valley, British Columbia

March started out gray and brown on the hills, but there were some bright spots by the end of the month.
The yellow bells and buttercups are doing really well this year.